jueves, 15 de julio de 2010


In our last days in Siberia investigate on their holidays:

These parties have their origin in the Ymbolc Celtic festival in the month of February,
this is a festival of purification and meditation at the beginning of winter.

The story begins when some boys chose an oak tree when he moved to the town square where they set fire and danced around the fire to give thanks to the pagan gods of the harvest.

The Dance of San Blas is one of the most peculiar traditions of Siberia.

miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010


A unique large scale mobile exhibition of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Archaeology and Ethnography of Northern Asia" has been demonstrated in Korea, Australia, Finland, Yugoslavia, Japan, etc. Paleontological section includes skeletons of a mammoth.

lunes, 12 de julio de 2010

Curious things about Siberia

The simbol of siberia is a tiger.

There is in Siberia a road of 2000km of long in where the vehicules cross over human bones.

La religion is important in the life of the Siberian, there are any religion, for example: Budismo, Islam, Judaismo and Cristianidad.

The most popular activity in Siberia is the agriculture.

The food in Siberia

We were very well received in Siberia all are very nice people.

Most siberians are Russians and Ukrainians.

The most popular food in Siberia is the Zakuski.

The Zakuski is any kind of cool or hot plates and salads.

In Siberia the are several kinds of bread.

martes, 6 de julio de 2010


Siberia is a land, which despite the cold, is quite attractive, especially in a matter of landscapes, which are quite nice to see them.


In The last three weeks they explored Siberia’s rivers and characteristics about of weather and some things.
Siberia is considered divided into three geologically distinct, separated by rivers Yenisei and Lena.